Polk County ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition

Contact Us:

James Westdorp – Chair


Tim Allen – Vice Chair


Jenn Brandow – Secretary



The mission of the Polk ESF8 Health and Medical Coalition is to enhance collaborative response efforts to disasters and emergencies by mobilizing local assets to meet community, county and regional needs.


The Polk ESF8 Health and Medical Coalition meets quarterly the fourth Thursday in the month at the Polk County Emergency Operations Center, 1890 Jim Keene Blvd., Winter Haven, FL 33880

Polk County Census Information

•  Census 2013 General Polk County population: 584,058 (91,085 are between the ages of 65 & 84), 8% of the population has one or more disabilities, Special Needs Shelter database has 4, 074 clients, estimated homeless population 1, 095. Tourists in transit on I-4 can range from 80,000 – 100,000 per month during hurricane season.

•  Polk County is home to 5 acute care hospitals – 1 level 2 trauma center, 38 ALF’s, 24 Nursing Homes and 12 Dialysis Centers.