Why Should My Organization Join a Health Care Coalition?

As health care organizations across the nation are encouraged to join their local health care coalition, one question recurs… Why should we join?
The answer is amazingly simple… it’s an insurance policy to ensure your health care organization can function effectively prior to, during, and even after major disasters or other events that would otherwise greatly disrupt your operations.

Active participation in your local or regional health care coalition will allow your organization to:

• Gain insight into who key the officials are in your community and understand how their decisions during disasters or other large scale events may impact your  organization
• Have access to timely information on key decisions surrounding evacuations and other emergency actions
• Better utilize the local emergency management system to enhance your organization’s ability to care for your patients and staff
• Obtain advice from experts on how to ensure your staff are properly trained, your facilities are prepared, and your patient’s needs are addressed at all times
• Participate in FREE training and drills to ensure your organization is ready when disaster strikes
• Build stronger partnerships with the first response community in your local area
• Develop ability to make informed and intelligent decisions when stressors and the consequences are at their highest
• Receive sensitive information to avoid negative impacts on your patients, staff, and organization
• Have greater access to secured neighborhoods so your staff can check on and reconnect with home-bound patients
• Develop another level of capability to use as advertising so you can attract more patients and revenue

To learn how you can join…

• Use the “Contact Us” link at the top of this page
• From our Home Page, select the drop down box for “County by County”, find contact information for the contact person in your county. Then give them a call, send an email, or ask for an in-person visit

We hope you’ll join us soon! We’re looking forward to your participation and the partnerships we can build.

The Board of Directors